The Road Trip Diet (Travel and Lose Weight): Drink Tip #1, More Water

When possible, drink more water.

Drinking a sufficient amount of water keeps your body and skin healthy, prevents diseases, and reduces existing ailments.

The human body is 70% water and will quickly perish without it. We can live for weeks without food but only a few days without water.

Drinking Water is Essential

So how much water?

8 glasses of water a day is a common answer. However, I have always wondered two things. 1) how big should the glasses be? and 2) this general statement can not apply to everyone. Would a 100 pound woman and 250 pound man need to drink the same amount of water every day?

My favorite is drink half your body weight in ounces.

If you are a 100 pound woman, drink 50 ounces of water per day. 125 ounces for the 250 pound man.

Here is a great water calculator that accounts for your daily exercise and other factors (altitude, pregnant/nursing, etc.).

One of my Road Trip Diet standard practices is to visit grocery stores and buy a gallon of water with my produce.

That is Drink Tip #1. Drink More Water. What do you think?

If you are a dietician, frequent or infrequent traveler, or someone who wants to contribute to this ongoing series, you can email me at or leave a comment.

Thank you.

For frequent travel deals, follow me on Facebook (McCool Travel) and Twitter (@CharlesMcCool). You can also follow me on LinkedInPinterestKlout, and StumbleUpon.

© 2012, Charles McCool

9 thoughts on “The Road Trip Diet (Travel and Lose Weight): Drink Tip #1, More Water

  1. Pingback: The Road Trip Diet (Travel and Lose Weight): Drink Tip #2, Minimize Liquid Calories « McCool Travel

  2. Pingback: Top 5 Bullshit-Free Tips for Guaranteed Weight Loss « healthdemystified

  3. Pingback: The Road Trip Diet (Travel and Lose Weight): Food Tip #5, Slow Down « McCool Travel

  4. Pingback: The Road Trip Diet (Travel and Lose Weight): Exercise Tip #2, Move Often « McCool Travel

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